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Snuggle Up

Part of preparing for my morning time with God involves getting my dog, Riley, settled. Ordinarily, this looks like giving her permission to join me on the couch and then opening my arms and saying, “Snuggle up”, an invitation to draw as close as she wants and curl up next to me while I cover…

God’s Order of Operations

This past weekend I participated in an event through my church called a Freedom Encounter. It was the culmination of a small group study I did called Freedom which was amazing. I am a different person than I was when I walked through those doors on Friday night. I’m calmer and more peaceful, and my…

A Return to Simple Devotion

When I first returned to Jesus my relationship with Him was deep and rich, spontaneous and beautiful, simple and utterly delightful. When I started spending time with other Christians, it became a complicated duty, full of rules and expectations, increasingly devoid of the love and tender devotion that enraptured me at my salvation. God did…