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Moving the Right Mountains

“…if they’re my mountains, I’ll be equipped to face them when the time comes.”

Anysia Derora

Several months ago, I was talking to God about an obstacle that just wouldn’t seem to move and He asked me this question, “Are you sure it’s in your way?”

As usual, His question made me stop and think.

“It sure looks like it’s in my way.”

“What if it’s not?” I could feel the warmth of His grin. He loves asking me this question. He loves challenging my perspective and helping me see from His.

“But I see it!”

“You see it from a distance,” He said and I knew He was baiting me, in the nicest way possible.

“Yes! That’s why I’m praying about it now, so it’s moved by the time I get there.”

“What if it only looks like it’s in your way?”

“Well…what do You mean?”

“Think about driving towards Mt. Hood. There are places on the drive that look like you’re going to run right into the side of the mountain if you keep going and other places where the mountain seems to have suddenly moved. Sometimes it looks like you’re getting closer and sometimes it looks like you’re going the wrong direction and getting further away.”

This is something I love about God. He knows how to speak my language. He didn’t give me an example that I was clueless about. He gave me something that I could understand. I knew exactly what He was talking about.

“So, what if this obstacle isn’t really even in your way. What if it just appears like it is from your current perspective? Is it possible that if you keep going and following My direction, the obstacle you’re seeing will be nowhere near your path?”

“Huh. Well… Sure.”

“You’re never going to move a mountain that isn’t yours to move, so why expend all the energy and focus trying to move it? If you allow your focus to remain on Me, My leading, My promises, and My provision rather than the potential problems you’ll find there are not nearly as many obstacles as you think there are.”

I don’t know how this thought makes you feel but it allowed me to breathe. I felt like a weight was taken off my shoulders.

Just because I can turn in all directions and see mountains doesn’t mean I have to move them all. I can trust that God will direct me in such a way that I will only encounter those mountains that are mine to conquer. This means I will absolutely conquer them because, if they’re my mountains, I will be equipped to face them when the time comes.

I like this perspective.

Now, to remember it.