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Long COVID, sometimes called Post-COVID or Long Haul, is rather difficult to define. Essentially it is symptoms that either continue beyond the normal recovery time for COVID (which varies depending on the severity of the infection) but it could also be symptoms that return or begin weeks or months later that have no other cause….

Isolation and Re-Engagement During the Pandemic

Not knowing if I was going to live or die for over 20 consecutive days fundamentally changed me in ways that are hard to express. Even now, almost a year later, I find myself surprised at how deeply the entire experience impacted me, my perception of life, my values, and my connection to others.

Glorious Pee Fountain

Did the picture get your attention? This, dear friends, is an external female urinary collection device. Rather than describe how it fits, I’ll show you a picture… I called it a “banana” because it looked like one and it made talking about it a little easier. It does just what it looks like, curves between…

The Audacity of Youth

I’m a side-sleeper, sometimes back but not stomach. Nothing about sleeping on my stomach is comfortable for me. So, when nurses told me that I should try spending more time on my stomach than on my side or back, I said the “obvious” – “I can’t get comfortable on my stomach.” I was not outright…