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God Knows, Sees, and Understands

I took Riley out for a short potty walk this morning. Oh, how she wanted to go further, faster. And, I wanted to let her. She wanted to jump into the bushes onto the critters moving the branches and walk through the deep, muddy grass. And, I wanted to let her. Instead, I directed her…

The Story of My Name

The opportunity to talk about my name has come up a lot in the past few weeks and I realized that even though I have written about it and shared about it in other places, I have not shared about it here and it feels like time. I was born Angela Dawn Andruss. I loved…

Devotional Time Reframe

During my time with God this morning, He gave me some direction. I listened and wrote down what I heard and then moved directly from writing it down to reading my devotional. Because I have limited energy and sensory capacity, I came to my devotional time with a to-do list in mind. Pray Communion Read…

Not Coerced but Welcome – Intentional Nearness

Ordinarily, Riley starts her morning on the floor with her peanut butter Kong. Then she moves to the far end of the couch. Every couple minutes, she stands up with her back to me and takes a few steps closer, gradually backing in to be as close to me as she can while continuing to…