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God Knows, Sees, and Understands

I took Riley out for a short potty walk this morning. Oh, how she wanted to go further, faster. And, I wanted to let her. She wanted to jump into the bushes onto the critters moving the branches and walk through the deep, muddy grass. And, I wanted to let her. Instead, I directed her…

A Return to Simple Devotion

When I first returned to Jesus my relationship with Him was deep and rich, spontaneous and beautiful, simple and utterly delightful. When I started spending time with other Christians, it became a complicated duty, full of rules and expectations, increasingly devoid of the love and tender devotion that enraptured me at my salvation. God did…

Your Unique Way of Loving God is What He Wants

Have you ever felt guilty about how or when you spend time with God? Have you found yourself frustrated because you aren’t a morning person but it seems “everyone else” does their devotional time early in the morning and you just can’t seem to focus then? Have you ever compared your relationship with Him to…